

hello people.

while i try to get the Tao Lin's intern's intern's intern page up, i will be accepting any "applications" to become my intern at my email higat@seattleu.edu.

with your "applications", send in a list of the things you like about the puppy in this picture.
do not be cute about it.  be honest.  look at what he is doing, and who he is.  search your heart!

I'm not going to try to do too much advertisement about this position yet, because I feel very unbalanced without the actually site up.  

I suck at html.  
will I be able to survive the coming years without this skill?  
i die.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I'm Sarah's friend. I like the puppy because it's adorable and has chubby paws. Can I be your intern?

  2. mad said...

    I liked it when you said "chubby paws". if this was a contest, you would be the winner.