


I am looking for interns to help me get through and understand my life.

You will be paid in...uh...

There are only 2 positions available. 1 male, 1 female

REQUIREMENTS are that you keep communication lines with me open at all times.

I will splatter my life all over you.

I will try to drown you in it, to test you.

I will call you up when I do not want to deal with that stuck up girl going up the elevator

I will call you when i want to look busy

I will call you when i am smoking a cigarette outside at 2 in the morn and my thoughts are overflowing

Think this is the position for you?

yeah right, you fail


  1. Travis said...

    i can be both your male and female intern.

  2. mad said...

    travis, i was looking at the stuff you did on your page. it is awesome.

  3. Travis said...

    thank you
    you are sweet