
success. hip hip hooraguhghauhg..

i got a poem published in the online lit mag Nth Position right here.

I was pretty excited to see it there. to google myself and find that I have a growing internet presence/worldly significance. of course it did not last.

"You always want more, you're never happy with what you have"- father to kid is never happy with what he has

if you look at the poem, you'll see that I've fucked up all the punctuation and capitalization. It wasn't on purpose, but it wasn't on accident either. I was given an opportunity to edit it, but I didn't really care enough to change anything. I feel like it doesn't really matter. I feel like the meaning (whatever that is) is just as accessible (or inaccessible) with or without the small changes i would make if i was more OCD about grammar. Maybe I will feel differently once I actually have a "reputation".