
one in the same

Henry Miller's Rosy Crucifixion 1

"once the artist does get a meal he immediately falls back into his own limitless world, and while he's in that world he's a king, whereas your ordinary duffer is just a filling station with nothing in between but dust and smoke. And even supposing you're not an ordinary chap, but a wealthy individual, one who can indulge his tastes, his whims, his appetites: do you suppose for one minute that a millionaire enjoys food or wine or women like a hungry artist does? To enjoy anything you have to make yourself ready to receive it; it implies a certain control, discipline, chastity, I might even say. Above all, it implies desire, and desire is something you have to nourish by living.
[…] I envy the man who has the courage to be an artist--I envy him because I know that he's infinitely richer because he spends himself, because he gives himself all the time, and not just labor or money or gifts."