I question
I question why i keep "blogging" now. I question why. I don't like this. or I thought I didn't. I think society has just made blogging so idiotic that I am forced to hate it, because that's the type of person I am.
I question why i keep "blogging" now. I question why. I don't like this. or I thought I didn't. I think society has just made blogging so idiotic that I am forced to hate it, because that's the type of person I am.
2 comments Labels: Questioning my self
on a day that i was a crazy, i wrote this
my mind
my mind
my mind
my mind
my mind
my mind
my mind
hey, man
It's not always about me
except that
what else is there to process
in a room of rooms
a building of floors of rooms
and being lost in the world
lost in a small city
lost in a couple stories
a small room
my small lost mind
a small, lost universe
I think that I was talking about being lost.
0 comments Labels: lost, retrospection
about five days ago, I spent a whole day by myself. It was nice for a little bit, but towards the end of the day, I started to go crazy because I had no outlet to express anything. I mean, no outlet that could reciprocate any emotion that I shared. anyway, at the end of the day I wrote like 10 poems. what the hell is that. is it worth it. do i need to be alone. why can't i balance my life. Why do I stop using capitalization when i start questioning myself.
my mind is a laughing monster
and my body stays still and quiet
I want to perfect my language
to you and everyone
because I am outwardly a child of bubbles
hiding behind coffees and teas
and inside, inside everyone and you
yes, I dwell there too
0 comments Labels: expression, solitude
I've recently been thinking about specific words that are important to me. I want them tattooed on my body. I will have the year that it was important to me tattooed next to the word. it will look like this:
0 comments Labels: words
i am eating donuts
i want to be your friend.
0 comments Labels: everything, nothing
hello people.
2 comments Labels: html frustration, interns, puppy test
0 comments Labels: payoff, success, tingly liquids
I am looking for interns to help me get through and understand my life.
You will be paid in...uh...
There are only 2 positions available. 1 male, 1 female
REQUIREMENTS are that you keep communication lines with me open at all times.
I will splatter my life all over you.
I will try to drown you in it, to test you.
I will call you up when I do not want to deal with that stuck up girl going up the elevator
I will call you when i want to look busy
I will call you when i am smoking a cigarette outside at 2 in the morn and my thoughts are overflowing
Think this is the position for you?
yeah right, you fail
3 comments Labels: interns, life calls
Hey world,
0 comments Labels: possibilities, world address
I am fucking rolling tonight.
because, tomorrow I might not be.
and tomorrow, tomorrow I might now be.
and tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow I might not be.
I don't know how that makes me feel...
0 comments Labels: tomorrow, tomorrow's tomorrow, tonight
i don't really know if i am being myself here on this blog. I mean, who is this person? Thad? thad? THAd?
I look over my first postings, and feel satisfied and comforted. I am communing with myself tonight, spending hours messing through my thoughts and typing it out.
actually i don't like the thought of that. It's disgUSTing. Repulsive!!! that's just me being by myself. i would love to be with people right now. I LOVE (some) PEOPLE. well, it's pretty late. why do people go to sleep so early?
I am much different in person. But this is the filtered ESP of me.
0 comments Labels: ESP ME, Questioning my self
in facebook, i wish that there was an option where you could become double friends with someone. This would only happen with someone who is already your friend.
for instance, i see "+1 thad is now friends with Gabie Portillo" in my feed.
and then, after we have sent each other messages and numerous wall posts, and maybe recorded each other a couple of videos, I see this "+2 thad is now good friends with Gabie Portillo".
We upgrade.
The Email notification will say:
Gabie wants to upgrade your friendship to good friends on Facebook. We need to confirm that you feel comfortable with this transition in order for you to be good friends on Facebook.
The Facebook Team
0 comments Labels: facebook
I was looking at some of the other intern's intern's blogs, and most of them now mention being Tao Lin's intern's intern. I feel like referring to someone as "Tao Lin's intern" implies that the person has no soul, because of the generic title that refers to him/her (and also, the lack of a real name). If this is the case, then how should one feel being "Tao Lin's intern's intern"? Even now, as I type this, I feel like a mindless beast. I feel scared.
don't get me wrong.
I am a wandering soul.
I want some intern's too.
1 comments Labels: question my own life
i feel that by having a blog I am saying that i have something important to say. which is true, i do feel like i have something important to say. but no one cares if i myself say that "i have something important to say!"
Now if someone else said, "hey, this guy thad, he has something important to say, you should listen to him". well, then I would hold more gravity. more legitimacy. will i reach that point? and do i want that responsibility?
I remember in 10th grade, one of my friends told another friend that he liked the advice i gave him about girls. that made me feel good. and prideful.
I will sit here until find my soul, I will sit here until I find sol